Urban Farming

Recipe 9: Fuzzy basil cheese sticks

Our friend Alice Zaslavsky has a range of new vegetable based recipes that Lloyd has been trying out this spring with the produce from his Glowpear Café Planters. Here's a super simple and yummy way to use up that...

On by Simon Lockrey 0 Comments

Recipe 7: Winter broccoli soup

As winter approaches, it'll be time to harvest some of those healthy greens from your veggie patch. Try making this awesome soup with your crop as Lloyd has done with produce from his Café Planters.

On by Simon Lockrey 0 Comments

Recipe 5: Mia’s Cultivate Salad from Farmwall

I've been busy experimenting with microgreens from our friends at Farmwall, along with the produce from my Glowpear Café Planters.  Check out this terrific salad mix that Farmwall suggests, something I've been tinkering with this...

On by Simon Lockrey 0 Comments

Recipe 4: Asian Greens for a Quick, Tasty Treat!

Sometimes, you just want a simple dish to use all those more exotic herbs you're experimenting with in the garden. We've been growing a lot of Asian varieties lately, so here's...

On by Simon Lockrey 0 Comments

An Introduction to Edible Flowers

Edible flowers. A topic people often brush-off as confusing, weird, too advanced or... just for the 'flower children of the 60s'. But nothing could be further from the truth, in...

On by Andrew Wallace 0 Comments